Technical & Fundamental Analysis

Technical & Fundamental Analysis
Technical & Fundamental Analysis
You’re ready to trade, but you need a plan. Check out our selection of popular beginner trading strategies and plan your path to success.
Master the arts of chart reading and technical indicators to improve your market predications and give your strategy the winning edge!
Harness the power of macroeconomic signals, economic indicators, and fundamental analysis to start trading the news like a pro.
Why do currency values change? Take a look at the powers at work on the forex market so you can wield them to your advantage.
If you want to have success trading on the market, you need to distinguish between rational and irrational emotions. Learn how here.
One of the greatest skills you need to have to be successful in trading is to balance how much you can lose relative to how much you can make. 
Chart-reading is a cornerstone of trading; legendary traders swear by it. Learn more about identifying and interpreting chart patterns and take your analytical powers to the next level.
Unearth the lost art of tape reading and discover how to glean better insights from the slightest price movements.
What does it take and how hard can it be for you to turn trading into a full-time career? Read on for the secrets to turning pro.

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**Advertencia de riesgo: Es posible que operar con productos apalancados, como Forex, no sea adecuado para todos los inversores, ya que conllevan cierto grado de riesgo para su capital. Asegúrese de comprender completamente los riesgos involucrados, teniendo en cuenta sus objetivos de inversión y nivel de experiencia antes de operar y, si es necesario, busque asesoramiento independiente.