Lessons from The Greats

Lessons from The Greats
Lessons from The Greats
In celebration of International Women’s Day, we highlight five truly inspirational trading heroines who are shining lights in the industry.
"Being wrong - not taking the loss - that is what does damage to the pocketbook and to the soul” - Explore the story of Jesse Livermore,.
“I assume that markets are always wrong” - Learn more about investing legend George Soros, the “man who broke the bank of England.”
The man who believed "natural law was the basis of market movements” - Read more about the market genius and trading philosopher, WD Gann.

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**Advertencia de riesgo: Es posible que operar con productos apalancados, como Forex, no sea adecuado para todos los inversores, ya que conllevan cierto grado de riesgo para su capital. Asegúrese de comprender completamente los riesgos involucrados, teniendo en cuenta sus objetivos de inversión y nivel de experiencia antes de operar y, si es necesario, busque asesoramiento independiente.